The Spring of 2006 was a big one in my garden, as we had the locust trees that were closest to and overhanging the house removed. That opened up our yard in an immediate and drastic way, but left me with pretty much a blank canvas in the area right behind the house, what I referred to as "the bowl" since it was a bowl-shaped depression. My idea was to put a patio here, with a pergola for some shade since all of the trees were now gone. If you've ever had a substantial tree removed, you know how your yard can change from full shade to full, blazing sun in no time. It's a shocking, scary change, but a great opportunity to grow a bunch more sun-loving plants.
I won't get into the details of the design right now, other than to say that a key feature was going to be a much-needed staircase with a "stream" running downhill next to it.

This stream has added so much to the garden by attracting wildlife of all kinds, giving garden visitors something to watch, and more importantly something to hear. The gentle bubbling brook sound is so calming, the yard seems dead when it's not running. Unfortunately, it's hard to keep running all winter (as I learned last year) so I have to shut it down for a few months each year. Today I got it started back up again for the year. It's not a difficult task, but it's not fun either.