Trying to get comfortable
>> Monday, April 26, 2010 –
It's been a few days, so let's check in on Super-whitey's kittens.
They're moving around a lot more now, and they each have one eye open. They still sleep most of the time, but it seems to take them a while to get settled.
I don't know if they're boys or girls yet, but right now I'm guessing that "tiny whitey" is a girl:
and I'm guessing that "tiny toe" is a boy.
It's probably not right to judge based on their coloring alone, but "tiny toe" seems to be a bit more rambunctious so far. Here they are getting settled for a little nap.
Hey sis, mind if I scrunch in here?
I love you sis!
I really love you!
I really, really -- Ick. Yuck.
Just squeezing in a little more...
Move it sis, I need more space!
Hey bro, I'm no pushover! (chomp)
This is pretty comfy...
...urk! Can't breathe!
Ah, perfect!
(The kittens are 13 days old.)

Very cute. Did they all get homes or did you keep them?
Luckily it was only two kittens, and although one of them had another home for a while, all three of them are living with us now.