A look at what's blooming
On this Mother's Day morning, I thought I'd just take a quick look at what's blooming in my garden right now.
I won't mention the roses, which I talked about recently, but that's a "painted daisy" that is in danger of being crowded out by Shasta daisies. The painted daisy will only bloom if I fertilize it in the Spring (I forgot a couple of years ago).
There are a few different Salvias blooming now. This is the culinary herb "Sage" (salvia officinalis):
Salvia nemerosa 'East Freisland':
I have 'May Night' too, but it doesn't look too much different than 'East Friesland'.
Salvia nemerosa 'Caradonna':
Here's a hot pink one that will bloom all summer long, Salvia greggii 'Wild Thing':
The Thymes are flowering too. English thyme here (the culinary herb):
Here's a groundcover thyme:
I had a dozen different groundcover thymes, but am down to 3 or 4 right now I think. It's survival of the fittest in my garden.
The catmint is starting to flower too:
And of course, chives:
I've just noticed how every flower so far is a shade of pink or purple (if you call the white thyme flowers very pale pink instead)! What about the pink primrose (Oenothera speciosa):
Nope, pink too (as the name suggests). Heck, even the vinca is flowering purple:
I'm going to have to come up with some Spring-flowering plants with blooms of different colors for next year. Or maybe I'll just tell people I planned it this way -- no garish color combinations in my garden!