What is it?
This plant was growing near my bald cypress and Pleioblastus viridistriatus bamboo patch:
I have no idea what it is. Something in the nightshade family I think.
It's got really beautiful little flowers though. Looks a little like an eggplant (both leaves and flowers).
That hoverfly really likes it. It landed on the flowers after I had pulled the plant and walked it back up toward the house to take the photos. I like to think it followed me the whole way, waiting for its chance to land.
The plant has got some wicked spines all along the leaves and stems though. Ouch. If it didn't have those I would have pulled it out long ago and never would have seen the flowers, so I guess I'm glad it's a nasty, spikey weed.
I guess it pays to procrastinate in the garden sometimes. (Tell that to my little melon seedlings, which are probably a month behind when I should have planted them.)
MoleMeter 2010 mole capture count: 08
I'm getting pretty good at finding these moles.