Not digging
>> Saturday, July 3, 2010 –
I've been so focused on digging lately: digging up weedy beds, planting in the refreshed beds, wondering what animal has been digging up my pots and beds. Today no posts about digging.
You won't even see any soil today. Just images of what's growing above it.
All of these photos were taken this morning without moving more than 6 feet or so.
I'm standing between my annual/wildflower bed and my coneflower bed.
The Agastache foeniculum (or "Anise hyssop") is kind of fading, but it it still attractive to the bees.
Also the odd Japanese beetle.
The cleome (also known as "spider flower") is really prevalent in the annual bed:
There's a nice mixture of whites, pinks, and purples (less purples and more pinks):
These will bloom pretty much all summer long.
The honeybees love them. Always glad to see that!
The coneflowers are in their prime right now:
You can probably see why I've recently planted several more varieties.
Just amazing -- I love coneflowers (echinacea purpea)!
These Shasta daisies have been here in my coneflower bed for several years, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep them much longer. They get too tall, and the flowers fade pretty quickly. I may replace them with white coneflower varieties.
I'm glad I stayed away from talking about digging today, and didn't focus on the soil. It's a nice change to point the camera a couple of feet higher and enjoy the blooms that surround me.