Plumeria update
>> Saturday, July 31, 2010 –
Back in the first week of May I planted some Plumeria cuttings, and I thought today would be a good time to let you see how they're doing. This is what they looked like back in May:
As I said in the original post I haven't grown these before, so wasn't sure what to expect. I've learned a couple of things about Plumeria since then.
The first thing I've learned is these are beautiful plants:
This is the "Aztec Gold" variety, which is the one on the left in the original photo. It started growing about a month after planting, and is putting on some great new growth:
Aren't these leaves fantastic?
I really love the texture of them!
The second plant -- the "Kauka Wilder" -- has only started growing in the last couple of days:
I'm not sure why it took almost three months to wake up, and I was getting worried that it wasn't going to. That's the second thing I've learned about Plumeria: be patient when rooting a new cutting.
I kept gently squeezing the base of the stem to check for squishiness (a sign of rotting) but it was always firm, so I was pretty certain everything was fine. Looking good now!
Compared to the other plant, this one is lazy. (I still love the leaves though!) Hopefully it shows the same vigor as the other once it gets going. Note: I've just read that the "Aztec Gold" is "a strong grower that roots very easily". Well that explains its head start I guess.
I'll be interested to see what size these are at the end of the growing season. So far I'm really glad I planted them. If I get beautiful, fragrant flowers next year that will only be an extra bonus. (Real gardeners love foliage first, right?)