Tiny Whitey gets a name and a home
>> Monday, August 30, 2010 –
If you weren't reading my blog in April, you may not know that I have a partially-adopted stray cat (Super Whitey) living in my garage, and that she had two kittens in April. They also live in my garage. I sure do wish I could use my garage for garagey stuff, like parking cars. Today we took a significant step toward that goal, as one of the kittens found a home at 4 1/2 months old.
As is customary in our house, stray cats only get descriptive names until they are adopted. Since Tiny Whitey went to her new home, she's now called "Luna".
Luna is one laid back kitten. Even from a young age, you'd pick her up and place her in your lap, and she'd instantly be comfortable and relaxed. Even so, the calmness she showed in her new home was surprising.
Considering that she's never before seen furniture, a ceiling fan, a television, a bathroom, kitchen appliances, and dozens of other details of life in a house, she did quite well.
Just hanging out in my new house. I'm feeling a little bit weird and lonely, but everything is soft and clean, which is a big change.
Wait a second, what is THAT?!
What the heck is that?!
Oh, a "dog" you say? Ok.
Wait, a DOG?!
I'm not sure how I really feel about that...
I guess I'm cool with it. Sort of.
I'm going to keep an eye on that dog though.
There is much to adjust to for her. I'm going to miss Luna, but I'll get to visit her sometimes, as she went to the home of a family member. We still need to find homes for Tiny Toe (Luna's brother), and Super Whitey. I hope they don't have too much trouble adjusting to having Luna gone.
See you again soon Luna!

AS you probably know by now, Luna returned home to us a few months later. Cutest cat I've ever seen!
Also, living in that other home for a few months changed her. She no longer will be placed anywhere, although she loves to climb on us and cuddle. She does not like any of the other cats though, including her mom and brother. :(