The last two nights we've had some good, hard rains in St. Louis. By my measurements it's been about 2 1/2 inches total, which is a very nice soaking for two days. The nice thing about storms that pass through in the night is that the garden gets watered, but the day can still be nice and sunny and dry.
Well, the morning is pretty wet. Ok, very wet. Totally soaking, dripping, sopping wet. That's good news for me though, because a wet garden lit by the early morning sun is a great time to take photos. I took a bunch this morning, and here they are.
I don't have much to say about these, except that I'm fascinated by how some plants seem to be completely waterproof -- the water just beads and runs right off. Other plants just get wet leaves. Is the beading due to a wax? I'll have to find out some day.
Some of the spider webs really took a hit from the storms, yet they still hold quite a lot of water:
As much as I like the wet garden in the morning, and I really like having everything watered by rain, I'm glad the day turned sunny and dried everything off. There's plenty of time for cloudy garden days coming up soon, so I'll take as many sunny days as I can get right now.

You have some very nice photos here! What plant is the first photo?
It's a Japanese maple, which was labeled as 'Fireglow' but I have doubts about that.