There was ice once
Actually, there was ice more than once, but not recently. I just decided to post these photos from an ice storm that hit in 2006 because they felt appropriate. It's pretty darn cold right now: 13ºF as I write this (remember I usually write the morning's post the evening before) heading for a low of 5ºF.
So I think these photos are just about perfect today. Tonight. Whatever.
This was the ice storm that took out power for many people in the area and caused the local utility company to spend the next summer drastically trimming any tree branches that even cast a shadow on any electrical lines.
Some of the pruning jobs seemed quite severe, but I have to admit that we've not lost power for more than a couple of minutes since then. Their strategy seems to have worked, at least for our neighborhood.
These are mainly black locust trees -- many of which we had removed in 2006. Surprisingly, there wasn't too much damage to the trees in my yard from this, except for a lot of small twigs.
Ice storms are so much worse than snow storms for the most part, especially if you're a plant lover (or need to drive anywhere). I remember that the top third of one of my neighbor's sweetgum trees snapped off from the ice's weight and ended up in the middle of the street. We had a little chainsaw party and got it cleared pretty fast.
Is there anything that says COLD better than these photos?
I need to go park myself in front of the fire now, or maybe wrap myself in a blanket and turn on the hockey game... is it almost spring yet?

Wow, these are stunning photos! There's nothing like frost on bare trees.
beautiful photos, especially the one with the clouds - right now we have lots of snow on our trees from the storm yesterday and it's also beautiful. It's supposed to get VERY cold here tonight (but not for long)