A little update
>> Tuesday, February 8, 2011 –
A while back I wrote about some houseplants I was trying to save. Then more recently I potted up some clippings that had been languishing in water for too long. Today I'll show you what's going on with them. First up is this ZZ plant:
It's the last remnant of a good-sized plant I got a few years ago and completely neglected -- its single stalk healthy but all alone.
As you can see, it's got a stalk that will have leaves in a few more days or maybe a little longer. It's also got a second new stalk starting to emerge:
It seems to be a relatively slow grower, so it may be another year until the plant is worthy of display again.
Compared to another plant that I worked on in that same post though, it grows as fast as bamboo!
This small palm isn't dead, but it sure isn't opening these fronds very quickly.
In fact, I think this is pretty much what the plant looked like back then (2 months ago). I've been giving it some fertilizer and watering it, but it's just not waking up.
These Mexican petunia cuttings definitely are though, as they're all showing new growth:
That's after only a week in the soil, so it seems that all three of these will survive the winter. If the parent plant that's in the garage is just dormant and not dead, I'm going to have plenty of these next year. I'm going to have to start thinking about what I'll do with them.
The tradescantia zebrina is starting to grow too, but I knew this one wouldn't have any problems surviving:
The plectranthus 'Cerveza n Lime' doesn't seem to be doing anything yet though. Its leaves still look a bit shriveled -- not plump and flat as they should be:
This is a tough plant too, but it might have just been in the water for too long. I may put some more soil in the pot (higher up the stem), or maybe take a cutting from the end of one branch and root that. If my attempts to revive this guy fail, I'll have to buy another one in the spring -- I must have this plant in my garden for the scent of its foliage if nothing else. Delicious!
Oh, and the grass needs to be cut again:
I'm going to do what I do with the actual lawn too and put this off for as long as possible. (I mean sheesh! -- it's been less than a week since I cut it last!)

I love how you keep busy in the winter. The hardest thing for any gardener is not to go stir-crazy when there's so little that can be done outside. You've found a good balance.
:: Bamboo and More ::
That's pretty much the reason I overwinter plants under the lights. Yes, it saves me some money because I don't have to buy as many plants in the spring (but it cost money to setup and operate too), but it lets me keep gardening all winter, at least on a smaller scale. I couldn't go all winter without growing something -- no way.
The reason I deal with the brutal heat here is because the mild winters allow me to grow certain things in all seasons. My new (your tried and true) greenhouse design will multiply that list, I'm guessing.
I was actually able to go out in shorts a couple of days this week for spring cleanup. :)
I wouldn't call my design "tried and true", but since it's still standing I guess you could do worse. =)