Still tiny, getting an attitude: cactus seedlings

It's already been a week since my last cactus seedling update, although it seems like I just wrote that post. There has certainly been some action, so I'm going to jump right in and show you.

You can see that each tiny plant now has a little spot of fuzz on it. That photo was taken on the 21st. If I had a bionic eye or a good magnifying glass I might be able to see what's happening better...


I'll have to settle for the view through my maco lens...

Is that just a wisp of a single little spine I see sticking up there on the front seedling? Cool!

Another type of cactus has germinated too:

You can see that it looks much different than the other ones. I wonder how long it will take me to ID these?

I don't know if this is a third type, or just a skinnier version of the type in the previous image:

I'm thinking it may be a different type, but right now there are more questions than answers.

All of those previous photos were taken on the 21st, which is 9 days after planting.

After just two more days (on the 23rd), these little guys are starting to really get dangerous:

I've switched lenses too (and added an extension tube for those who are interested in that sort of thing), giving me an even closer view of the spiky tikes.

I was excited about this little project when I bought the seed packet, and I have to say that I'm probably even more excited now that they're showing their cactusness (cactusocity?) I eagerly go over to the plant table first thing each morning to see if anything dramatic has happened overnight.

I suspect the first bit of drama won't occur until they're a little larger and I get too close with the hand that supports my camera lens. I'll keep the tweezers handy.

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Carol  – (February 25, 2011 at 8:46 AM)  

What fascinating little creatures! I love the textures and colors in your photo Alan!

Gerhard Bock (Succulents and More)  – (February 25, 2011 at 2:49 PM)  

This is better than a suspense movie. Keep the updates and great photos coming!

Owen  – (March 6, 2011 at 7:31 AM)  

I love cacti, and tried growing them from seed two years ago. I would have been much more successful had my cats not toppled the container several times... Good luck!

Unknown  – (June 18, 2017 at 8:48 AM)  

Nice pictures. My seedlings are the same now...about a week old. Just wondering if I should remove them from their plastic bag yet? Or is it too soon?

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