Although I'm eager to jump into the garden and get started on some projects, I decided to enjoy the early morning quiet and soak everything in. I noticed that the coneflowers are starting to bloom, then I noticed that the Agastache is too -- in fact, there are lots of plants in either the early stages of flowering, or just about to be.
So today's post is what I saw. I refrained from taking photos of cicadas, even though they're everywhere and are quite photogenic I think -- although I did capture images of a couple other creatures this morning. Enjoy.
White clover. This is a good portion of my lawn. |
My lone bachelor button (cornflower) this year. |
Eryngium - "sea holly". I have very few of these left because I hate their scent. |
Poppy mallow, Callirhoe involucrata. |
Poppy mallow, aka "wine cups". |
Spirea 'Neon Flash'. The first shrub I ever planted. |
I hate that lamb's ear produces flowers, but at least
I found something interesting on them this morning. |
Hydrangea 'Lady in Red'. |
Echinacea cultivar... not sure which right now, but
one of the orange ones (as if you couldn't tell that). |
Cleome or "spider flower". These are in a new place this year, on their own accord. |
Agastache foeniculum which will be attracting bees like crazy soon. |
Purple fountain grass inflorescence. I'm glad I planted more of
these this year, as I really love them, even when still rather small. |
Not a bloom or flower bud, but these tiny tomatoes called to me this morning. |
Coincidentally, Gerhard over at
Bamboo and More has
posted some fantastic macro (close-up) photos of the plants in his California garden today, so if you like my photos, you'll enjoy his post for sure.
It's going to be 97ºF (36ºC) today and humid, so I've got to get started on my garden work before it gets unbearable out there. This is just early June, right?
Alan, thanks for the shout out. Much appreciated. Your photos always inspire me to try harder.
I love sea holly so if you ever want to get rid of yours, I'll give them a happy home. Unfortunately, they don't like to be moved because of their long tap root.
It's in the high 50s here and raining (that never happens in early June). It's a good 20° below normal. In today's Sacramento Bee there was a front page article on our crazy weather, blaming it on "global weirding" :-).
:: Bamboo and More ::
Thank you for sharing your flowers with us, it was really interesting seeing what is in flower with you at the moment. Like you ,our lawn is full of clover, along with the buttercups, daisies etc which keeps the bees happy. There is a Stachys which doesn't flower, can't remember its name, I prefer it just as a groundcover.
I like the Poppy mallow a lot!! 36 degrees is hot? Thats considered a pleasant summers day here in SA. :)
Amazing photography! Makes me want to wander around the garden with my eye glued to my telephoto lens LOL. Enjoyed the pix tremendously!