Sundown-touched clouds, storms away
>> Wednesday, June 22, 2011 –
I love clouds, and photograph any notable ones I see. You may have noticed that I post quite a few sunrise and stormcloud photos. You may not have realized that I do not typically post sunset photos. It's not that I don't like sunset clouds, it's that we can't typically see them from our house. We have no view to the west, so unless the sunset is dramatic enough to spill over into the sky directly above us, or unless conditions to the east are just right, we're not seeing anything at sundown.
Last evening the conditions were right though, as huge stormclouds to the east acted as a screen for the ruddy light of sunset, making the sky irresistible to me. Here's a taste of what I saw.
Remember, this is all looking to the east, with a few shots of north-east mixed in.
As I said we have no view westward, and the eastern view is limited too -- by trees. This is my main window to the east, so unless something good happens in this gap, I won't see it:
Luckily good stuff was happening in the right place this evening. The fact that clouds change so quickly, especially when colored by the sunset, means that even with this small window to shoot through I can get a lot of variety.
I just realized that the top of my bald cypress is starting to poke into that gap in the trees. That means that in a few years even this view will be gone, and I'll be limited to pointing the camera upwards, or walking/driving to another location for photos. Shoot.
This was the last shot of the day, before it got too dark for photos:
Once it got dark, these stormclouds produced a fantastic lightning show. While overhead we saw stars, to the distant east lightning flashes strobed silently, internally illuminating these magnificent masses of moisture. It's the red clouds in the background of this photo that were producing the sparks, and having the smaller bank of clouds in front made for a better show.
It was a nice way to end the day.
Note: Sorry about the late post today, but Blogger was not cooperating. Kinda hard to have a post about clouds without any photos of clouds, don't you agree?

Oh wow, those are stunning! What a dramatic sunset.
Nature can put on quite the show, huh?
Beautiful captures...clouds back lit by sun can be mesmerizing!
Those photographs are absolutely incredible! Talk about the right hand of God..... I am blown away by the beauty!
I photograph the clouds all the time. I love setting my camera to burst and getting the fast moving ones when it's really windy during a storm. My latest obsession is to capture some of the great lightning we have in the midwest in the summer. Not as easy as it seems!
Lisa: By any chance do you have a Canon point and click camera? If so there is some special software that you can load into it that exposes a bunch of cool new features, including the ability to sense and capture lightning flashes! Cool stuff -- email me if you want more details.
Beautiful photos. There's nothing wrong with loving and clouds and photographing them. They're dramatic and majestic -- and after a hectic day, what could be more relaxing than to look skyward and just breathe.
No. It's a Panasonic. Love it, mostly because it's small enough so I always have it with me. But the picture quality is also amazing for a point and shoot. But the features on the Canon sound very cool!