I've posted a little about the Malabar spinach vines earlier this summer, but the plants are doing so well and I like them so much I thought I'd dedicate a whole post to them.
Another minimally-worded post, but I think the photos will speak for themselves again.
These are annual vines with thick, glossy leaves and wonderfully red stems. Everything about the plant is "thick" and beautiful:
The tiny, tiny flowers are everywhere. I'm glad to see that size doesn't matter to the bees -- it's the quantity that matters -- because there are bees and wasps of all types all around these plants:
In the sunlight the vines almost fluoresce with reddish-purple brilliance:
But even in the shade they're so beautiful, a perfect contrast to the dark green foliage:
Of course since it is a vine, it can get a little out of hand, winding itself around other plants and whatever is nearby:
But that's okay by me -- I expect the vines I plant to do this. I think I'd be disappointed in a vine that didn't sort of take over the structure it was intended to climb.
The tiny flowers each quickly turn into dark berries -- there are thousands of them:
Do birds eat them? I don't know. I have a feeling that I'll be seeing Malabar spinach seedlings all over the place next year though. Maybe they'll give the cypress vine seedlings some competition.
Even if I don't see it reseeding itself, I'm definitely growing this again next year!

Beautiful vine! I'd love to have some seeds if you end up collecting any :-).
:: Bamboo and More ::
Very lush and attractive. Question is, do you eat the spinach?
I've nibbled leaves, but haven't created a salad or cooked with them. I think I'll give that a try tonight though!
Ooh! I love new vine options! This year I had to resort to buying mandavilla vines from the local big-box home improvement warehouse. (who knew finding red mandavilla would be so hard?) Well, they haven't vined yet, they're more of a shrub, and I can assure you, it is very disappointing when a vine won't vine.
My malabar has tiny leaves. What is the best way to get lush big leaves?
I'm not sure what the secret is to big leaves. Possibly the amount of sunlight or water? I know once they start flowering the leaves are smaller.