
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Frosty, first time

Two mornings ago after our first hard freeze of the year I woke up to a frosty world. As the forecast was calling for pretty warm temps of 65ºF (18ºC) for the day, I had to act quickly.

So I grabbed the camera, got out my rubber mat (for kneeling), and started looking for frost-lined leaves, miniature crystalline views.


Although a frosty garden is pretty sight in itself, I prefer looking at the ice crystals themselves, so that means a close look.

Frost always surprises me, in that it looks completely different on different surfaces, and in the garden on different leaves. Today there were a lot of very long crystals, which I don't see that often.

There are some different formations too: cubes (looks like sugar), and some curls. Frost is fascinating -- let's take a look!

Although I enjoy frosty, cold mornings pretty much anytime they happen, I like them even more when I know the rest of the day is going to be sunny and warm.

Enjoy the day!



  1. Absolutely fantastic. You should have your own line of greeting cards--I'm serious, your photos are that good.

    :: Bamboo and More ::

  2. Isn't it amazing that so much further north you are just getting a freeze and we had our second one a few nights ago. Summer again today!

  3. L Rose: It's been a very mild fall for us this year for sure. This is the first year in quite a long time that I actually feel like I have time to get things ready for winter, instead of rushing to do everything in one weekend.

    Gerhard: greeting cards for gardeners? "So sorry to hear about the cabbage worms". "Congratulations on your first tomato of the season!" :-)

  4. Oh wow! How beautiful. This is one thing I really miss about our climate here in SA.

    Oh, and HA HA very funny about the Greeting Card "Sorry about your cabbage worm". Thats hilarious - there might just be a market for them :)
