Tweets, and Followers, and other gardens
Today's post is going to be a little bit different, as I'm not going to talk about my garden at all. I'm also not going to talk about other gardens, or animals, or Nature, or building anything. I'm going to talk briefly about this blog -- or more to the point, some features of it I'd like to point out.
Although "features" may not be the right word... I'm battling a nasty cold right now and I don't have complete brain control yet this morning, so I apologize if the things I write are less clear than usual (if they ever are clear even on good days). The things I want to talk about are found in the right column of the blog, starting with the topmost item: Twitter.
I had avoided using Twitter for quite a long time, as I felt I didn't need something else to distract me from life. Then I realized that lots of things happen to me in the garden that are worth commenting on, but are not worth doing a full blog post about -- Twitter turned out to be perfect for those types of things.
If you're not following me on Twitter already, you may be wondering what sorts of things I tweet about. Well, pandas and bamboo and remarkable weather and giant cricket-like creatures and gardens full of music and awesome short films about trees and that sort of thing. If I come across a Nature or natural science-related story on the Internet I may post that, or if something interesting happens to me while I'm in the yard or out and about (like the morning I saw seven deer fawns).
I rarely tweet more than twice a day, and don't even do it every day. I never tweet about things that aren't related to my garden, plants, or the natural world either so you'll never find out what I'm wearing or having for dinner -- unless I'm wearing a beard of bees, or eating something amazing I've grown myself.
Even if you decide not to follow me on Twitter, you can still see what's I'm talking about in the box at the top right side of this blog's pages. If you like what you read there, please consider following me!
On a related note, you can also Follow this blog using Google Friend Connect (but this is not the same thing as following on Twitter). Why would you want to "follow" this blog? Well, for one thing, it shows your support for It's not work, it's gardening! For another, it makes it easier for you to see when new posts are available, and lets you read all of the blogs you follow in one place. If there are several blogs you read regularly, this can be a real time saver.
To follow, just click the "Join this site" button. You'll need an account with Google, which you may already have (if you have a Gmail or YouTube account), but it's easy enough to create one if you don't.
The third and final feature of the right column is the newly-added "other gardens" section:
This contains a list of the other gardening blogs I follow and read regularly. It's a short list right now, but contains some really interesting blogs from all over the world: St. Louis, South Africa, California, Texas -- it's often so nice to see what other gardeners are doing, especially when their climate is so different, or their summer is your winter. I'll be adding to this list from time to time, but please check out these other great sites!
(If you have any suggestions of garden blogs that I might be interested, please let me know in the comments!)
As my cold-addled brain won't let me think of anything else to write about today, I'll wrap it up.
Please consider following me on Twitter, Following this site, and taking a look at some of the other garden blogs I have listed. Thanks!

Hope you get better very soon :)
Excellent post! I should do something like that for my own blog.
Get better soon!
:: Bamboo and More ::
Hahaha...I still haven't committed to Twitter yet, i signed up and posted a few things, but it felt like even more of a "void" than Facebook! Maybe someday I'll figure it out...until then, I'm content with blogging...I have a hard enough time posting that way on a regular basis! BTW...I've got an awesome cold right now, much fun!
Hi Alan, I found you through Blotanical, nice blog :-) I think we have some interests in common. And like you, I resisted becoming a Twat for a very long time, but have now finally succumbed...but not sure what to do with my account, as I am not famous for being a person of few words…have a look at my blog and you will see! I have signed up as a member of yours today, will be back to read more later, like you, I am nursing a cold at the moment too. Wishing you a speedy recovery :-)
hi Alan, it is nice to post things this way when you have nothing to post about. But in my case I have lots to post except that sometimes I am not inspired to do so, especially when my comments are dwindling. I confess, comments are my blogging energizer. I have been following your posts (can see myself in the followers photos) and i comment most of the time, so i know your pre-occupation with bamboos, and though I am not telling you this, in my mind i still have the feeling that bamboos will give you problems in the future. LOL. But I don't like to add more obligations from my daily chores, so I better stop with FB and blog. thanks.