
Monday, January 2, 2012

Favorite photos of 2011

I took a lot of photos in 2011 -- over 5300 -- and shared most of them with you in these posts. Here are some of my favorites from the past year.

January: water drops on window pane

I did this last year and I'm using the same format: picking two images from each month (or maybe three if I just can't choose). That makes sure I choose just my absolute favorites, and that the whole year gets covered. Shall we begin?


Note that these are my favorite photos, not my favorite topics (or posts).

January: Bubbles in ice.

January: Aphid under microscope, with mood lighting.

February: ice coats everything.

February: I took a lot of photos of the ice.

March: Spring returns!

March: Another spring image.

April: Japanese maple 'Fireglow' (although unsure of ID)

April: woodchuck!

April: Bamboo shoot all wet (Ph. glauca 'Yunzhu')

May: Fly on Viburnum 'Onondaga' bloom.

May: 13-year cicadas emerge en masse!

May: Cardoon seed, forgotten in garage.

June: A storm to the east caught the evening light just right.

June: Cicada laying eggs in bamboo.

June: lots of great bug photos, but I really love the background on this one.

July: seeing in a different way

July: ambush bug on fennel flower

July: the Maypop blooms astound me

August: tobacco hornworm

August: black swallowtail butterfly

September: spider with happy squirrel markings

September: powdery bee bottom!

October: 'Moudry' fountain grass

October: Katydid on sweet potato vine.

November: Sumac at Shaw Nature Reserve

November: Frost.

December: Begonia leaf indoors.

December: Ice on the new pond.

December: Sweet gum sapling hiding.

It was actually quite difficult selecting some of these -- there were some months that I could have chosen 5 or more. (In reviewing my choices, it seems that I really prefer macro shots and textures. I should really concentrate on taking more "landscape" photos in 2012...)

I hope you have some favorites here too!



  1. Wow, simply stunning. The level of photography on your blog is off the charts.

  2. Inspiring series of photos, Alan. I particularly like your bug ones being a bit of a bug person myself...

  3. Beautiful the September shot of the bee on the white flower...the recurved petals are seriously seductive!

  4. What FAB photos.Nice to laso see which ones are your favourites. I love the bee bum...! My favourite! The cicadas are making noise here too now! I haven't heard them here in my neck of the woods - first year!

  5. Your selection made for a really enjoyable visit. I'd think oh, that's my favorite, then another would grab my attention! Happy New Year Alan

  6. Oh my, how did I miss this post? There are so many great photos here I can't pick a favourite but November: Sumac at Shaw Nature Reserve, March: Spring returns! and the woodchuck are definitely at the top of my list. Wonderful!
