
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

As 2011 ends and the next calendar year begins, I'm reminded that as impressive as many of the human-created celebrations and spectacles are, the ones provided by the natural world will put us in our places.

Fireworks pale in comparison. How can we compete with this?


There was one small group of clouds in the otherwise empty sky yesterday morning, but they were perfectly positioned to be colored by the rising sun:

See, I told you winter trees were wonderful!

Wishing everybody a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2012!



  1. Those are great photos! You're right...nature does give us the best shows.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Thank you for sharing your "firework display" with us! Its beats any man-made one hands down.
    Happy New year to you and yours :)

  3. Nature had us beat a million years ago. Beautiful photos, and a Happy New Years to you. Keep snapping photos and digging holes.

  4. Beautifully said and proven! Nature is the best beauty we can find. Starry nights have been incredible in Oklahoma this week.. Happy New Year!

  5. Beautiful photos, Happy New Year to you Alan.

  6. So true...nothing can compete with nature...nothing!
