
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My plants labeled, part 2

Continuing with labeling the plants in some parts of my garden. Yesterday's post started it off if you missed it.

I realized that I probably don't have shots of every angle, so I'm not sure how much more I'll be able to do now.


Again though, the point is to start this inventory so the map I'm making will be easier. I really should work on that map some more...

This is the southern part of my yard:

I found a view from the other side of this little bed looking back over the patio which was taken in 2010 to show the differences (the tree in the upper left corner of the above photo is in the lower left corner of this next image):

I have to say that there are some aspects of the 2010 garden I missed in 2011, like the Cypress vine towers. They don't look that lush until later in the summer though, and then they start getting overgrown or fall over. Maybe I don't miss them as much as I thought I did...

Back to the northern part of my yard (some of which should be familiar from yesterday's images):

I'll dig around to see if there are any other suitable photos for labeling -- there must be, as I take so many garden photos these days.



  1. I think you'd be a fantastic garden designer / landscaper. You have an amazing eye!

    I looked at the photosa before reading your post & the Cypress vine towers stood out - I really like them! Maybe you do miss them and will have them again this year :)

  2. Again, this is a great idea. I noticed you have Salvia it hardy for you there? I think it's only marginally hardy here in PDX...but I've never had luck overwintering it. Pity, as it's so very beautiful. I'm not overly-fond of tropicals...but that 'Black Stem' Colocasia is tempting, even to me!

  3. Scott: I bring the leucantha into the garage for the winter. I'd be happy with buying new small plants each spring because they grow fast enough to create a nice display by the end of the summer, but getting one to overwinter gets you a *really* nice plant.
