My plants labeled, part 4
>> Thursday, January 19, 2012 –
Last day of plant labels, as I finally found a couple of images that I've been looking for. I had to go back to 2010 to find them, but when viewed with the images in the part 3 post it helps complete the picture I hope.
So to start with, the prairie area again, showing the middle planting bed (which is surrounded by buffalo grass).
The Liatris aspera is a late-season star. I've got to remember to grow more of those, as I've collected lots of seed.
Next up another view of the south side of the yard from this year:
Here's the planting area between the patio and the house:
Finally, that panorama of the whole yard, taken from the very back (but from 2010):
There have been quite a few changes since this photo was taken: lots of plants moved, removed, planted, pond built... a lot can change in just a year!
That definitely wraps up these posts with plant labels. If you didn't see the other posts you can here: part 1, part 2, part 3. If you haven't seen them and don't want to, I'll just say that the reason I'm doing these plant label posts is because I'm working on a map of my entire yard and this is quite helpful. Plus readers have asked for labels a few times. Also it's winter (mild as it is) and I sometimes have a hard time coming up with post topics since I'm not outside with the camera as much as during the growing season.
So no more label posts. As I may have said yesterday, I hope they were helpful and/or enjoyable.

Have you had luck with the buffalo grass? I know it's supposed to do well in Missouri, but the other plots I've seen were filled with crabgrass and weeds.
Weeds are a big problem. I'm going to try and tackle them this year, as the first-year buffalo grass was so beautiful (I saw the photos again while searching for photos to label).
Love the Liatris aspera...amazing color! I thought for sure in one of the photos that one of the plants was a Eupatorium...imagine my surprise that it was Ruellia...guess this labeling really IS a good idea!
I love how the Mexican Petunias look in the pot - I never thought of doing something like that. You give me so many amazing ideas!!
Loved this series with the plant labels!
This is a great project. I applaud you for working on it. I have the maps with notes but I need a list (searchable hopefully) in my computer of what's out there with info like where it's from or when it was planted. I started a year a go but haven't managed to even decide on how to log it all. Sigh. I'm thinking I just need to start and then it'll happen. Starting seems to be the hardest part.
I didn't think about adding planting dates to the map, so glad you mentioned it!