>> Wednesday, February 29, 2012 –
The other day after visiting the Missouri Botanical Garden (where I saw the orchid show, the rock garden, the Climatron, and the temperate house) I stopped at a nearby garden shop called The Bug Store. They sell garden ornaments and home furnishings only, so not the type of place I normally stop.
But I do like to check out the planters, benches and various garden sculptures they carry -- I sometimes get good ideas while browsing. This trip, I got something more.
On the top of my list for the garden this summer is seating -- I need some places to sit in the yard and enjoy the results of my labors. So benches have been on my mind for a couple of months already. There were a few benches at the store, but none really caught my eye -- except for the one that my wife and I both remarked on last year (or was it the year before?):
It had been sitting out in the weather for quite a while, and I noticed that the price tag ($200 !) had a lot more writing on it than a price tag normally does.
It seems that the finish on this metal bench was failing and would rub off on your hands if you touched the wrong spot -- or your bottom if you actually sat on the bench.
So there was a warning on the tag: "do not sit!"
There was more information too: "refinish yourself and save: $40". I wasn't sure if that was the amount you'd save, or if that was the price, so I went inside and asked.
"You can't sit on it!" was the first thing they told me when I asked about it.
"Right, I read that. But what does it cost?"
"You'll have to refinish it, because the finish is coming off. It's $40."
(that whipping sound you just heard was my wallet coming out)
So I paid that amazingly low price and carefully, excitedly carried it out to my truck.
The thing is, I really like the finish the way it is. It's a beautiful patina, and I have the perfect plan to preserve it: Rustoleum clear coat. It's like spray paint, but transparent, and "recommended for outdoor use". So a couple of cans of that stuff and this bench will again be bottom-safe.
Although objects this ornate aren't normally my style, there's something about this bench that really speaks to me.
I think it will look great somewhere in my garden, surrounded by some plantings to soften it up a bit.
Now I just need to find that "where".

That kissing bench certainly was a bargain. I wonder why the problem with the finish. I hope you manage to seal it.
That's a great buy! Congrats!
Lancashire rose: You have no idea how many different Google searches I did last night trying to find out what that style of bench is called. Thank you!!
Excellent plan on the clear coat. Love the finish as is.
Maybe close to your pond?
What a nice bench... and what a nice blog! I ran across you on Pinterest, and am so glad I did.
I would have called it a kissing bench, too. Brings to mind Masterpiece Theatre on PBS :-).
You got a remarkably good deal on it. Usually this kind of finish costs EXTRA!
This is beautiful, I love it! I can picture it in and amongst the plants ...
Great find!
Thank you for the laugh...whipping sound. I gasped when I read the price.
Stunning gorgeous bench