>> Saturday, March 10, 2012 –
And by that I mean: guess what I've been doing lately?
Yep, like many northern hemisphere temperate climate gardeners I've been planting seeds. Some indoors, some out.
Can you name all of the seeds shown here? A couple of hints: they're all seeds of edibles, and all but three of them are cold-weather growers.
(The first and third images are of the same seed, but the rest are unique, so let's treat this next image as the first one when guessing)
I love seeds, especially when you can get a big pile of them.
So let's see your guesses for what seeds these are in the comments. Some are easy, and some are more challenging. Guess away!

I recognized sunflower seeds (in the middle) and some sort of bean (2nd from bottom). Is the 2nd photo from the top a pumpkin/squash?
Your seed photos are very artistic.
Hope you get a lot of plants.
Hmmm... I see pumpkin, mustard, sunflower, coriander and cumin or dill.
I think I recognise Coriander, sunflower, peas ? and some kind of bean.
Some of these were really tricky, but the answers are:
1. Zucchini squash
2. Kale
3. Spinach
4. Peas
5. Swiss Chard (or beets)
6. Sunflower
7. Coriander / Cilantro
8. Carrots
9. Scarlet runner bean
10. Radish