>> Tuesday, April 17, 2012 –
I've recently realized that the three different ferns I have...
... are quite nice, and getting to be a decent size.
Unfortunately, I'm uncertain of the ID of this first one. Lady fern perhaps? It's the one survivor of the first batch of ferns I planted 5 or more years ago.
Next up, Japanese painted fern:
I have these planted in two areas in my garden: under the deck and in the front yard under the maple. They're doing better under the deck, as the ground under the maple is always so dry.
My third fern was new last year, and I cannot remember what it was called:
(This is turning into one of those really informative posts).
Normally I'd find the plant tag, but I'm away from home for work, so not an option.
I love its thick and glossy fronds though.
Finally, a new plant that is not a fern at all, but looks like it could be:
It certainly is ferny! Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black', a plant I picked up a month or more ago with the hope of using it around the pond somewhere. Haven't decided where yet.
I'm glad I have all of these, even though I don't have any naturally shady and moist areas for them to inhabit. Any help with IDs?

I was just admiring ferns at our local hardware store the other day. The had a variegated shield fern I almost bought. But our summers are rough on ferns. Hot and dry...
You are probably right about the first one being lady fern. The third one looks like tassel fern. Some others worth trying are Christmas, Autumn, Japanese Beech, Cinnamon, and Ostrich. ALL VERY rewarding.
I love the Japanese painted fern! Its quite simply beautiful.
I have no idea what your ferns are. I just think they're pretty!
Jeremy: I had ostrich in a too-dry, too-sunny spot and it died. I'll give it another go -- maybe I can get one from my neighbor who has many...