Foliage follow-up
>> Monday, April 16, 2012 –
Yesterday was my Garden Bloggers Bloom Day post, and today brings us another popular meme: Foliage Follow-up! Experienced gardeners know that although flowers get all of the attention, it's foliage that really makes the garden, so Pam over at Digging started this meme to help give greenery the attention it deserves.
I'm not sure that I've ever participated in a Foliage Follow-up before, but that's only because I'm not organized enough -- I definitely have enough noteworthy foliage to show. So here's what I have going on right now.
Elephant ears, Japanese maples, willows, creeping jenny, castor bean seedlings, lambs ear and more -- all are adding their texture, form, and color to Spring in my garden.
Join Pam over at Digging to see what leafiness other gardeners are posting this month. (Check the comments section of Pam's page for links to other pages).

Lovely selection of foliage! Whats the plant in the last photo?
Wow you've even got real Castor Bean leaves! The little seedlings I brought back from California (a gift) were not happy with the cool temps outside so I brought them in for a bit. Our high so far this Spring has only been 68...and that doesn't make for happy Castor Beans.
Good to see elephant ears this early! None of ours have come up yet.
You have a lot going on there, early.
Very nice...
wow it really is amazing how someone's trash is another's treasure. Those Alocasia, Colocasia and the likes, sprout anywhere in our property. It is a big task to uproot all of them and then i cut the stalks, let the corms dry on top of cement floor during the dry season. Yet when the rainy months come, a lot of leftovers in the soil sprout again like crazy! But i love your photos a lot!
Your foliage plants are fabulous. The gardener at the beginning of his interest finds its all about the blooms. My how this changes, some of us are slower to arrive, how glad I am to have reached the destination.
You have stunning foliage in your garden Alan. Love them all, especially the ... all of them :)
Gaz: sorry for the slow reply! That's lamb's ear -- Stachys. Not sure of the exact cultivar, as I just got it this spring from a local gardener.