Too long
Here's a riddle for you: what do you get when you start with a lawn that needs a mowing, watch it rain for three days straight, leave town for the good part of a week, then watch it pour down rain again the day after you return?
You get to see some interesting seed heads that you normally don't get to see.
You also get a lawn that is tickling your kneecaps, but let's focus on the positive here.
My lawn started out years ago as mostly Kentucky bluegrass, one of the common lawn grasses in St. Louis.
It's now a collection of various different plants (all volunteers), with just a bit of bluegrass left. Several different sedges are found here:
I don't typically get a chance to see these seed heads -- at least not this early in the growing season. So that's one positive aspect of two weeks of letting the grass grow freely.
Weedy or not I like these little sedges, and will be moving a few of these little guys next to the pond. I figure they're in my yard to stay anyway, so I might as well make some use of them.
Enough photos -- there is lawn to get back under control!
It's a good thing my antique push mower isn't my only grass cutting machine, or you wouldn't be seeing posts from me for a few days.

Amazing the things you know. I have no idea what our lawn is--except grass that grows too quickly and needs too much water :-(.