Forgotten edibles
>> Wednesday, May 23, 2012 –
I've recently been showing you the veggie beds, giving an in-depth tour of the herbs, greens, tomatoes, peas and the rest.
I completely forgot that I have another "bed" of edibles this year -- on my driveway.
Since I have such limited room in the fenced veggie garden, I decided to grow a few things in big pots.
This isn't too unusual, as I like to put a tomato plant or some peppers in pots every summer. They typically don't do too well though for whatever reason: not enough water, potting mix that's too lean, deer browsing. Simple neglect.
So this year I went with completely new plants, including my first attempt at growing potatoes.
They're in deep pots, and also this grow bag that I made myself as an experiment:
I may post about the grow bag later this year, once I know how the experiment turned out. I'm not sure that it was worth the effort.
In any case, I continuously added soil as the plants grew in the hope of getting more tubers to form all along the stems. We'll see how that goes. I know other people get amazing yields of potatoes using this method, so why shouldn't I?
I'm also growing one sweet potato plant:
If you remember, this was the one that started growing in the cupboard this winter. Is it doing well? I have no idea.
I also have my sunchokes in pots too:
They probably want a lot more room than I'm giving them, so I may put them in even bigger pots soon. I can't find a great spot in the yard -- they really want to be in the ground I think -- so pots will have to suffice for this year.
Don't you just love potato blooms?
I hope I'll be loving some delicious potatoes later this summer too!

Can't wait to see how your potatoes turn out. My mom has always grown her own potatoes but she does it in a dedicated field near her house.
I just Jerusalem artichokes for the first time this year. No clue what to expect :-).
The photo of the potato blossoms is beautiful!
i never knew potato blossoms were so lovely. are they edible?