The other day it was GBBD (Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day), so thanks the the meme that Carol at May Dreams Gardens started a while back, I get to see what's blooming in so many other gardens. I didn't participate this month because I only had a couple of things blooming, or so I thought.
It turns out that although my garden is dominated by foliage, I've got a nice selection of flowers too -- despite the heat and drought.
So here's a quiet look at most of them. No guarantees that I didn't miss a few. (
That's a lantana in the first photo)
Canna 'Paton' |
Canna (normal green-leaved) |
Datura inoxia |
Cleome |
Oleander |
Cleome |
Datura inoxia |
Verbena bonariensis |
Echinops banaticus 'Blue Glow' |
Salvia greggii 'Wild Thing' |
Echinacea purpurea |
Plumbago |
Spent Shasta daisy bloom |
Echinacea 'White Swan' |
Shasta daisy (one of the last blooms) |
Ratibida columnifera |
Canna 'Tropicana' flower spike, ready to open |
Coreopsis tinctoria |
Mexican petunia (Ruellia brittoniana) |
Oleander |
Good thing I didn't have anything blooming, right?
Other good news: we got a bit more rain last night, the first in about 10 days. I watched a storm form on radar about 5 miles south of us and move directly away. Then a second one formed just a mile or so south of us... and moved away. One finally formed on the "right" side of us, so we got about 0.75". Hooray! These were intense but small storms, so most of the St. Louis area didn't get any rain.
I'm so jealous of your Echinops...mine must be a different variety, it never gets that intense blue coloring...mine are more gray-blue, nice, but nowhere nearly as lovely as yours :-)
Wow! Lots of beautiful blooms in your garden! Hooray for rain!
Love the spent shasta daisy portrait
I missed Bloom Day again. But I'm glad you didn't :-).
That oleander is one of the prettiest blossoms I've ever seen. Well done. :)