
Friday, August 17, 2012

Quick Thoughts

Just got back from a few days of travel, so I haven't spent any time in the garden for almost a week. Which means I've run out of garden-related topics for today's post. It also means I'm very tired.

Both factors means today is another "catch up" day -- a collection of photos that never made it into other posts. Little writing for me, less reading for you.


I really love the foliage of this cardinal climber vine (Ipomoea sloteri) -- is it ever going to start flowering though?

I haven't grown this before, so not sure what to expect. It seems like the similar cypress vine (Ipomoea quamoclit)  flowers much more quickly. The hummingbirds are waiting!

If you don't have some type of Rudbeckia in your garden, well, I just wonder what's wrong with you:

Hakonechloa macra, Japanese forest grass. I always collect seed to see if it is viable, but never get around to sowing it:

Maybe I'll actually do it this year?

Just a simple white Zinnia bloom:

I'll have to grow more of these from seed next year. This year I bought plants as filler for my new spring-flowering bulb beds, but I may want lots more of these next year.

Canna 'Paton' still producing its bright, tropical flowers:

Senna alata getting quite large, but will it start blooming soon? First year for this one, so I'm really curious to see what the blooms look like "live":

I just can't wait to get out into the garden later today and this weekend!



  1. I know exactly how you feel :-).

    Your garden will be ready for you this weekend.

  2. Can't wait to see your Senna bloom...I've never seen one in person, but in photos they look stunning. I agree whole-heartedly about Rudbeckia ;-) BTW...I have a reciprocating saw now :-D

  3. I think Hakonechloa is sterile. I hope I am wrong. Good luck!
    Your plants are amazing ;)

  4. Really love the foliage on the Ipomoea sloteri! Will have to try and find that here.

  5. I tried growing Rudbeckia from seed sent by another blogger and was told that I did pretty well getting it to even germinate in a tropical country. I even got a couple of blooms but they were all deformed so I'm not sure if it was the climate or if I did something wrong on my part.
