Maypop provides
One of my favorite plants right now in my garden is "Maypop", Passiflora incarnata. A vigorous perennial vine, I planted it a couple of years ago at one of the supports for the pergola over the patio. My thought at the time was that this would be a nice replacement for the annual vines I had been planting here every year -- my expectations were relatively low.
This surprised me last year by producing so many amazing flowers, and doing a pretty decent job at covering at least part of the pergola. Then it produced some fruit, and I knew this was going to be a winner. This year? Take everything I loved about it last year and double it!
This vine produced flowers all summer long -- during the heat and drought it just kept producing. I did water it a few times when it looked exceptionally droopy, but for the most part I just stood back. It's still producing flowers now:
But the real story of this plant right now is fruit:
These fruits are deceptive, as they look heavier than they really are -- a good part of each one is hollow, with the edible part being the pulp surrounding each seed.
Still, there are quite a few of these ripening right now:
Yes, quite a few.
I only know these are ripe once they fall from the vines, as I'm no good at telling when they're ready before then.
Did I mention there are lots of fruits?
One of the main tasks of any vine I plant here is to cover the pergola and provide shade to the patio.
I think it succeeds in this area, don't you?
This is supposed to be a host plant for Gulf Fritillary butterfly larva, but I haven't seen any evidence of them. Something is eating the leaves though:
That doesn't look like caterpillar damage to me, and I saw no evidence of caterpillars. Perhaps I'll attract some next year? (Maybe it is caterpillar damage -- does anybody know?)
I ended up letting the vines climb up into the contorted pine, and I like the look of the hanging fruits -- like ornaments!
So this is one of my favorite plants of 2012. I like it so much, I have a second maypop I'm hoping to plant in the next week or so.
Now to wait for some more fruits to fall...

wow...that is beautiful, the way it covers the pergola and with the fruit hanging down, so picturesque. I wish I had more places for a vine to grow...
That really is quite beautiful. The fruits look like cute lime light bulbs hanging down and i love the flowers! I'd agree its one of your loveliest and such a beauty providing shade where you need it ... what's not to love?
Alan, I have a white one of these planted this year. I also have a white and blue one that I planted last year and a TX native one that has tiny green flowers. My vision was that they all grow together and intertwine while providing shade. I got to enjoy only 3 blooms this spring because of the abundance of Fritillary butterfly cats. They decimated all 3 vines, blooms and all - not just holes like your leaf damage. As the bare vines started to recover in late summer, darned if there wasn't another wave of cats! The butterflies had a hard time of it last year, so that's okay. That's part of the reason I planted them anyway. Yours looks fabulous on your pergola.
Amazing photography as well. Been researching this and after seeing all your photos and description, I'll be putting it in the ground