
Friday, September 21, 2012


Stems, stalks, trunks, pseudostems, culms.

Of course they're the vertical structures that raise the branches and leaves into the air, and I've noticed that I have some interesting ones in the garden this year.


These are from all of my biggest plants, so these are in plain sight -- they're often the best features of the plants. I didn't bother crawling around to look at the smaller examples.

Do you have any cool stems in your garden?



  1. It looks like you might have an even greater upsize on your atrovaginata next year.

  2. Steve: good eye! I sure am hoping for a nice upsize next year.

  3. Atrovaginata looks pretty distinct among the green phyllostachys.

    We have about the same sized culms now so given favorable conditions, 1 3/4 inches might be possible for next spring. My biggest one on atro is only about 1 1/5 now.

  4. What an interesting post - we so rarely look a the stems of our plants.Some interesting ones you have. I will join and post my stems soon :-)
