My recent walkway project ended for this year once I got all of the perennials planted. It's time to show you what plants I put here to give the area not only instant impact, but to ensure that it becomes a real thing of beauty and interest in future years.
Today I'll focus on the north side of the walkway, which is on your left as you walk up to the house.
Many of these plants I've been growing in pots in the back yard for most of the summer (or since last year in some cases), but I also bought a few new ones as there were a few specific plants that I wanted to see out here in front of the house that I didn't have extras of. I usually feel guilty buying plants when I already have so many potted on the driveway, eager to get into the ground. As I said before though, I haven't bought any new plants for the past three months so I'm not feeling too guilty this time for visiting the local nureseries.
Let's take a look at them now. Remember these will all be on your left as you walk up to the house, roughly shown here in order:
Ajuga reptens, variety unknown |
Agastache foeniculum |
Sedge, annual for me unless I bring it inside |
Feverfew |
Russian sage 'Filigran' |
A tropical Canna for foliar contrast |
Artemesia 'Powis Castle' |
Agastache 'Ana' |
Culinary Thyme |
Lamb's Ea |
'White Profusion' butterfly bush |
I've wanted a white Buddleia for years! |
Sweet potato vine in a pot as a filler |
Another annual sedge |
Agastache rupestris, looking a bit sad right now |
Sedum makinoi 'Ogon' |
I didn't show every single plant, as there are some small sedums tucked around, and a purple fountain grass sharing the pot with the sweet potato vine. I'll probably end up adding more "filler" plants next year too, until these perennials start reaching their mature sizes. The annual grasses may be replaced with perennial ones -- but we'll see. It's fun having new planting beds!
One thing I'm a bit worried about is that this bed won't get enough sunlight at the start and end of the growing season because of the angle of the sun and the trees. Right now they only get a couple of hours of sun at most. I'll see next year if that is a problem, but I hope not.
I'd hate to have to move many of these or find replacements that need less sun.
Tomorrow the other side of the walkway!
Wow, what a variety of plants! You could even add some rocks for even more impact.
I wouldn't worry about the lack of sunlight. I bet your plants will adapt.
Do I sense a lawn-free front yard in your future? :)
Great work!