
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Walkway plants, south side

Yesterday I showed you most of the plants I put on the north side of the new front walkway.

Today guess which side we're going to look at? The north again, because I don't think you were paying attention. No, of course it's the south side!


Since yesterday we started at the sidewalk and made our way toward the house, today we'll start at the house and move toward the sidewalk. The plants again are on your left, and are pretty much shown in order.

A Sedum that spent too much time in the shade this summer

Gaura lindheimeri. Will it survive the winter?

A daylily which I dug up last fall. It spent the winter, spring, and
summer as a clump of soil sitting on the ground. Tough plant!

Rose mallow. This was hard to plant since it is quite large.

Black mondo grass. Not at all large.

More Ajuga reptens, but green.

Persicaria 'Red Dragon' I believe. I seem to have chosen a plant that
didn't have a tag, so I'll have to return to the nursery to verify the ID.

It has nice little flowers and reportedly doesn't reseed.

Iris pseudacorus or "Yellow Flag". This was quite large too, and the soil
was waterlogged (it likes it wet). So I divided it to get it out of the pot
then planted both parts together.

Plectranthus 'Cerveza n lime'. Smells so good!

Little bluestem, one of the best small grasses

Othonna cheirifolia, which may not be cold-hardy enough
to stay in the ground here. I'll test it, as I have a spare.

Several small elephant ears as fillers

Caryopteris or "Blue Mist Shrub"

Colocasia esculenta 'Tiger Stripe'

Persicaria 'Painter's Palette'. This one apparently does reseed heavily.

Beautiful tiny beads of flowers though!

Finally, back at the sidewalk with Heuchera or "Coral Bells"

A nice 6-pack of elfin creeping thyme, to tuck into
some of the larger cracks between the pavers. 

So both beds combined contain about 40 different plants, not counting duplicates like sedum, ajuga, and thyme. Not bad for a new planting!

As I did with the north side, I've left some spaces here for additional plants (maybe), and since the elephant ears need to be removed for winter anyway there's plenty of room down there on the end for new stuff. Nothing worse than running out of planting space, is there?

I guess I could always just widen these beds a foot or two if I needed more space...

But that's a project for 2014 at least, as these current plants have a lot of filling in to do before I have to worry about expanding!



  1. The reddish Persicaria definitely looks like 'Red Dragon', and you're correct, it doesn't seem to seed around at all...but 'Painter's Palette'...well, you'll have a few to share with your neighbors next spring ;-)

  2. Nice plants, Alan! I second the confirmation of 'Red Dragon'. It flowers *like crazy* if happy but I haven't had any seedlings either. Extremely easy to propagate. Doesn't run, but the patch can get big very quickly!

  3. Thanks for the ID confirmation! I've read that 'Painters Palette' will do well in dry shade, so I'm hoping it does reseed quickly. A few feet away is a Maple that needs some more underplanting. It's a tough spot and I'm willing to unleash 'Painters Palette' there too.

  4. Lovely selection of plants. Your potted plant collection must be whittled down a bit now--time to go plant shopping?
