One-word Wednesday: Red
>> Wednesday, February 13, 2013 –

Occasional Posts from my suburban St. Louis garden:
Plants, Projects, Nature and Discoveries
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Is that red twig dogwood in the branches photo?
I love the way that shrub's color brightens up the winter landscape.
Maywyn: good guess but no, it's a coral-bark Japanese Maple. :)
Alan, can you save some of those seeds and mail them over to me?
I do have like 20-30 seedlings up so far which are supposed to be a mix of different species, but I don't know if red is included.
Red is good!
Steve: are these self-pollinating? I usually cut the blooms off before the seeds form, but I'll save them if possible.
The seeds that I bought were like flakes, but had solid seeds in the middle. I'm not sure if they are self pollinating or not, but you can purchase certain species online so it should be possible to pollinate them. The type I have should bloom next week, and it makes white flowers with pink stripes.
They also germinate pretty easily as all you need to do is float the seeds in a cup of water for a few weeks after the seeds are well dried.