>> Friday, February 15, 2013 –
I think I've got a few rose-themed posts coming in the next month or so, with pruning that needs to be done, and a transplant/salvage project, but I'm starting things off today with something that required much less effort.
A new plant! In fact, a new rose! It joined our family yesterday -- yep, it was a Valentine's Day gift.
It's a "hybrid miniature rose" according to the tag. At least there is a tag, but it lists in small print what seems like all of the hybrids that this grower produces.
There are at least 20 different names on there, so I guess I'll never know what this is exactly.
I guess it really doesn't matter, as I don't intend on planting it in the ground.
I will put it into a larger pot and keep it on the deck though. Then probably bring it into the garage during the winter.
Perhaps I'll try contacting the grower to see if there's any way of getting more information.
For now though, we'll just enjoy.
(By the way, one of the cats went after this plant as if she hadn't been fed for days. Chomped right down on the foliage. She must have seen deer through the window and thought it was the right thing to do with roses.)

My cats LOVE roses; of all the flowers that have been brought into the house it's their favorite thing to eat.
Kathy: bring some bamboo inside. They'll have a new favorite leaf. :)
And orchids! My cats love orchids. Not just the blooms. The leaves looks like they've been through a shredder.
Our cat always wanted to eat the tinsel on the Christmas tree. And grass. Both would produce unfortunate results.