greenhouse color
>> Sunday, March 10, 2013 –
While waiting for the garden to dry out a bit yesterday, I visited a couple of my local garden centers. My main goal was to find some purple fountain grass to replace the ones I killed, but they didn't have any yet.
They were unloading several racks of just-arrived plants, and some of the colors were just amazing.
Starting with a couple of fantastic Oxalis. I love caramel-colored foliage. Why didn't I take a photo of the label of this one?
The purple one is nice too!
A lime-green Geranium makes a great companion to the reddish leaves of Geranium 'Vancouver Centennial':
How about a couple more Geraniums? The coolest one in my opinion was the Pelargonium x Peltatum 'Crocodile' with its web-like variegation:
Note to plant growers: please don't use fonts that simulate handwriting. If I want to have a hard time reading plant tags I'll make them myself.
Next up is a coleus of some sort, right? I had to move on quickly because it was burning my retinas:
Ah, this is more my style:
That was Pseuderanthemum 'Pseuchotic Reaction'. Wild name, beautiful plant!
This next one I don't think would work in my garden, Bougainvillea 'Pixie Queen':
I'm not a big fan of bright yellow foliage, although maybe this would look much better surrounded by other plants.
I'm also not a fan of the late-winter favorite around here:
Pansies. They just don't do it for me. I appreciate the color, but when seen in the company of all of those other great plants, they just seem so boring.
(One hour in a greenhouse and I'm getting all snobbish about plants. What's wrong with me?)
I did not purchase any of these plants. If I had more plant table space I would have chosen a couple. I did pick up two small herbs that I'll baby for a month or two before they go outside.
It's nice to be able to recharge with colorful, fresh plants once in a while. I'll probably head back over next weekend to look for the grasses again. (Gardeners are great rationalizers.)

Love the foliage colours - so bright and vibrant! Is the first one Oxalis? Very pretty when in a group like that! Christine would love these photos.