More space!
>> Wednesday, March 27, 2013 –
What's a gardener to do when their seed-starting plant table is full, there are no suitable windowsills on which to start seeds, yet there are at least a dozen more types of seed that need to get going?
Well, if you're like me you take some old leftover wood (that may have been just sitting around up in a tree)...
...and a disused patch of cold soil:
Then add a bit of sharpened metal and electricity:
And finish it off with a salvaged shower door:
Maybe add a little bit of mulch:
And there you have it -- a new cold frame with space to spare!
It's located on sloped ground so I didn't need to worry about making the back taller than the front -- it's just a single-height rectangle. Super-simple project.
I collect glass shower doors whenever I see somebody in the neighborhood throwing them away. I have plans for all of them. Big plans.
So seeds. I count twenty different packets I chose. I won't start all of them right now though, as a few of them are already growing indoors.
But I will start 10 six-packs today, and a few individual pots.
I used to forego tags and just identified seedlings when they emerged. I don't do that these days -- too many species to try and remember. Plus the window blind tags are so easy to use.
Let's see if the cold frame is working...
Yep. Definitely need to open the top when it's sunny:
Ah, that's better.
This door isn't as heavy as I thought it would be (some are quite heavy), and can be moved pretty easily -- especially since it has a big handle on it. (Moving is not really necessary when covered in 8" (20cm) of snow, but that's melting very quickly -- I expect it will all be gone today. I did this project Saturday, the day before the snowfall.)
I have room in here for many more six-packs and small containers.
I'm excited to have another place for seed starting!

OK. Now that's impressive! I think the term today is "up-cycle" or is it "re-purpose"? In any case, good job!
Nice garden addition. Yes, I remember when I lived in Chesterfield I had a door on boxes in the kitchen. I know all my friends thought I was crazy.
Best use of an old shower door EVER!
You are a seed-starting MACHINE! I've never known anybody who collects old shower doors. Can't wait to find out what else you're going to do with them :-).
This is such a great idea! I am absolutely running out of room to grow but keep accumulating more plants :)