A little surprise amongst the weeds
You know how I've said in the past that I actually enjoy weeding, at least in small doses? If you don't remember here are my reasons: you restore order to a crazy planting bed, you get up-close and personal with many of your plants, it's repetitive and calming, and there's a gratifying sense of accomplishment when you're finished.
Here's another reason to add to the list: you sometimes find things that you'd otherwise pass right by.
I took a few minutes to pull some weeds from in and around the prairie bed the other day, and as I was clearing the area around this rock, I saw something:
Can you make it out?
How about if I hold back more of the plants and try a longer exposure...
Yep, a tiny turtle!
It's a box turtle -- most likely a three-toed box turtle that was born last year. (It may also be an ornate box turtle -- I didn't want to disturb this one by picking it up.) This year's turtles will start hatching at about this time, but hatchlings are only an inch long or so -- this guy is small, but not that small!
I see adult box turtles once in a while, but they're still rare enough to be an exciting find. Plus any animal that is still in baby form is reason to get out the camera, right?
I pushed the grass back over his hiding spot, although I don't expect him to hang around. Turtles may be slow, but they're certainly not sedentary -- I almost always see them on the move in my yard.
I'm going to have to be extra careful when mowing the lawn or walking around now that I know there are baby turtles around!

Cute! We are on the turtle pass through route, so we see many of them each year. Mostly painted turtles, but a few snappers, too.
Baby turtles!!! Some people have all the fun.
So cool! The only time you'd find a turtle around here if one escaped from a pet store or someone's house.
Beautiful, beautiful baby. Take good care of the little darling!
I'd love to know where this little guy went. I'm going to be very nervous the next time I mow the yard... which actually might be when this guy is much older, because it's been raining every day. Maybe I'll start attracting snakes with the long grass too? :)
Gerhard: it's a laid-back pet store that lets a turtle escape and actually get out the door!
Danger: said the woman who is (I think) currently on her way to SF for a weekend of garden blogginess? I'll take that trip and you can play with my turtle. I'll even let you do some weeding. :)
There used to be huge snappers in the ponds here, but now it seems like the painted turtles are making a comeback. I love turtles!
Ben: a snapping turtle in my little pond would be a scary thing indeed! I doubt I'll ever see any aquatic turtles here, as the pond is too small and gets too little sunlight.