
Saturday, July 13, 2013


Nothing to say this morning, and even less time to say it.

A pile of my favorite DIY plant tags alternately grows and shrinks as I label each of the seemingly hundreds of potted plants that currently live on my driveway.


Not for long hopefully, as today I'm having a garage sale/plant sale! Trying to turn this view of my driveway:

Into this...

...well, it seems I don't have any recent photos of an empty driveway in summer as it has been a few years since it hasn't had potted plants all over it.

Maypop and Malabar spinach vines

Lots of cool, inexpensive stuff at this sale -- I'm hoping it goes well.

If it doesn't then I may just plant up my neighbor's yard while he's on vacation.

Gotta go move a ba-zillion plants up the driveway now. More tomorrow!



  1. Dang! My daughter was just in St. Louis yesterday! I would have surely sent her over to check it out!
