>> Thursday, July 25, 2013 –
The color-themed blooms keep on coming!
Starting with the biggest, boldest native flowers in the state: Hibiscus lasiocarpos or "rose mallow".
These blooms are about 5" (12cm) across, and the bees love them!
From the biggest white bloom around, to something much smaller:
Polanisia dodecandra (redwhisker clammyweed). This is very similar to cleome, but native to the US, smaller, and not as showy.
I sure do love the blooms though!
Know what else I love?
Butterfly bush! This white variety is new for me, as I planted it last fall in the walkway garden. It's only now starting to bloom, so I'm interested to see what it will attract up here.
What about something I didn't plant?
Yep, the Datura inoxia that I seemingly will never need to plant again, growing in the cracks of my driveway again. I just can't seem to bring myself to pull it out.
This thistle though...
No issues with yanking this one out of the ground!
There are probably a few more white blooms around, like the Shasta daisies, or the white Echinacea -- I just don't have recent photos of them. Here's an older one:
White blooms are so brilliant, aren't they?

Your flowers are lovely and the photography is great. I love the butterfly bush. I took a branch back from Ireland but it didn't take.
Beautiful! I went through a period early on where all I wanted in my garden were white flowers. Now I've turned away. They are so bright they seem to jump out like exclamation points, whereas colors like orange blend. Doesn't sound right does it?
I love white flowers. Other colors may be flashier but white always gets my attention. My favorite is that datura.