Something to see?
I know it's my goal to create a backyard garden that is worth looking at, that gives everybody who visits so much to see.
It's just nice when the non-human visitors feel the same way too!
This barred owl has been visiting more lately, and clearly thinks there's something worth looking at here...
...over here too...
...but mainly over here:
Unfortunately it's not the plants that this hunter has its eye on.
Whatever it is that he finds interesting, I hope he does more than just look!

Is that a Barred Owl, kinda looks like it to me. Great Shot!! We have owls all over the mountain where we live but I can't seem to get them to go to the boes I have made.
You might be interested in my handcrafted Bluebird House give-away, check it out.
Unique Handcrafted Bluebird House Give-Away