>> Tuesday, August 20, 2013 –
You'll have to excuse me for the next few days, as I'll be traveling and won't be able to post anything brand new for you.
No, I'm not going anywhere tropical or beachy as these photos might indicate, but it will be an adventure and I'll have lots of wonderful images to share with you when I'm back. But let's take a quick look at a few photos from a recent business trip I took to exotic Anaheim, California.
You may laugh at the "exotic" description, but if you can grow bird of paradise in the ground, and if you have more palms and Phormiums than you know what to do with, you're exotic!
So keep checking the blog for the next few days, as you'll see some of my favorite posts that you may have missed or forgotten about.
Then the fun stuff begins!

Hey, Anaheim is exotic to me too. It's in a galaxy far, far away called "Southern California."
Can't wait to find out what your adventure is all about!
Happy travels!