White, Bee, Determined
>> Monday, August 19, 2013 –
You know about the Datura inoxia that I let grow in my driveway cracks every year, right? I've posted about them several times before, as their big white blooms are wonderful, and the spiky seed pods are so interesting (until they burst open).
As much as I like this plant though, there are bees that like it even more than I do.
The other morning I watched this one bee spend literally two minutes at this single bloom:
I'm not sure if this worker was not quite awake yet, if maybe it was lazy (if that's even possible in bees), or if it were just not too intelligent, but it walked over every part of the bloom, including the outside:
It spent lots of time deep inside the long neck of the flower, sometimes just walking in a circle halfway down:
I couldn't figure out what it was doing or trying to do, as the nectar is down in the bottom, and the pollen is up at the top and there's nothing on the bloom petals themselves as far as I know:
It gave me lots of time to take photos though -- no snapping of random shots whenever a too-busy-to-stop-for-even-a-second bee speeds into my field of view and back out again.
And for that I am thankful, because I too move pretty slowly in the morning, doing inexplicable things -- like bending over a single bloom with a camera for minutes at a time.
Want to see movies of bees on these blooms?
Note that I'm considering pulling these plants out of the driveway cracks soon. I have this growing in other parts of the garden now, so no real need to keep them in such an awkward place.

I've got to grow a couple of daturas next year. You never see them in gardens around here, only in the country in neglected spots, and yet their flowers are stunning.
I think the bee was savoring what was to come! I like the idea of driveway crack volunteers. Had a sweet-smelling nepeta once as a driveway plant but I guess we ran over it too often. But it sure smelled great when crushed!
Maybe this was a new field worker, and she hadn't visited a flower like this before. Or maybe she was just hiding. I do occasionally find bees just hanging out in the squash blossoms in the morning. Not actively foraging, but maybe just taking a 5 minutes break.
They look pretty cool. They are a weed back in India, but I'd love to grow some here. Do you still have the seeds with you?
Sarit -- yes I do, as I have a few dozen seedpods maturing right now. Email me and I'll send you some.