Grand Prismatic Spring
Continuing with the story of our roadtrip to Yellowstone last month, after leaving Fountain Paint Pot we next came to a feature I was really anticipating: Grand Prismatic Spring.
I'm not going to say too much about this feature today as I think the photos speak for themselves.
I knew this was going to be a fun stop as soon as we arrived and saw the colorful "falls" -- you have to climb stairs to get from the parking lot to the actual attraction:
It was probably about 50ºF (10ºC) outside by this time of the morning -- getting warmer, but still chilly enough that the steam was really emphasized in places. This must be a nice, comfortable river in the winter -- the water emerges from the ground at almost 200ºF (93ºC)!
The water running into the Firehole river was coming from the Excelsior Geyser Crater:
From what I remember reading, this geyser erupted so forcefully in the past that it blew itself apart, and now is almost always just an active hotspring instead of a geyser:
It still pumps out over 4,000 gallons of water every minute. I wonder how they measure that?
A bit of color here...
...but that's just a hint at what is about to come as you move farther down the walkway.
The main pool... it's spectacular, and quite large!
A bit steamy this morning though, hiding much of the intense blue of the water:
I took so many photos of the bacterial mats in the surrounding runoff pools, as there's such an array of colors: reds, oranges, browns especially, but mixing in so many fascinating ways!
After finally tearing myself away from this site, there are two smaller pools farther along the walkway:
I can't remember if this was the Opal pool or the Turquoise pool (I'm leaning toward "Opal"), but it was almost as beautiful as the main pool -- perhaps not quite as colorful:
Of course it wasn't obscured by steam, which raised my opinion of it (from a photographer's point of view).
Finish up with a couple of panoramas? Click to enlarge (or r-click and "open in new window")
Grand Prismatic Spring: what an inspiring spot!
Tomorrow I'll feature all of the textures that I saw here (and at the previous stop). So much beauty!

My favorite spot in Yellowstone. I'm so glad you took these photos. The last one is particularly stunning.
This was really a beautiful place. I just wish there was some kind of an observation deck of some sorts that would enable a top-view of the grand prismatic spring as we see in some photographs. That would be so amazing.