Aloe Vera: pretty
>> Wednesday, January 1, 2014 –
Although it's quite common on many kitchen windowsills -- even those belonging to non-gardeners -- I've only been growing Aloe vera for about a year.
Even though we don't need to use its soothing properties very often (once), it's so pretty in the kitchen, it will be there for years!
This is my greeting every sunny winter morning:
So easy to grow -- I water it every few of weeks -- its only drawback is that it can get pretty large. I'm keeping it in quite a small pot because if I give it more root space I'm sure it will really start getting in the way here -- it is the kitchen after all.
I should remove a couple of the pups and see how large I can get them over the next few years.
What's your take on Aloe vera?
Happy New Year!

I bought a good sized aloe plant from a nursery that was closing for $1 about ten years ago. That one plant has grown into dozens - I pass them out like fruitcakes! New house? Have an aloe! New baby? Have an aloe? Been sick! ALOE! Ha!
It's a plant that thrives on neglect - a little water thrown in it's direction every now and again and it's happy. And I'm a careless cook who burns herself often so my aloe is useful as well as beautiful!
Lisa: how large is the plant and what size pot is it in? I saw one in a storefront window (just decoration) that was at least 24" wide and tall. I don't have room anywhere in my kitchen for that!
I kind of lost interest in house plants a few years ago...but before then, I almost always had an Aloe. I remember getting a small pup from an Aunt when I was quite young...I had it for's probably still there, in my Dad's house!
Andrew sent me a photo of a 3ft tall Aloe Vera he spotted at a Home Depot in Las Cruces, NM last fall. It was something ridiculously cheap like $14.99, he was up for the challenge of shipping it home but I stupidly said no.
The "mother" plant outgrows the15" terra-cotta pot it's in every year. Come spring I will divide it into at least six or eight separate pots and start gifting. The main plant goes back in the pot to start all over. Every year my husband tells me I've killed the whole thing. They do look pretty sad until the end of June or so and then they turn the corner, green up, and the whole cycle starts over again. I'll never be without an aloe in my house.