Winter means contrast
After a couple of really mild winters, we're back to a "normal" winter in St. Louis, with alternating periods of warm and cold weather and snow. Temperatures over the last couple of days were in the mid-40's F, but forecast lows in the next few days could reach -5ºF (-20ºC) or lower.
It certainly has been a winter of contrasts so far, and what better way to illustrate that than with a series of high-contrast photos after an overnight snowfall.
The winter garden looks so much better with a bit of snow, doesn't it?
I like the snow, but I'd take a mild winter over "normal" any year!
At least it's pretty, right?

Well, if it's going to be as cold as it has been, then a good snow cover is always reassuring. You're right - it sure is pretty!
I wish we had a nice snow cover -- it's 2" (5cm) at most.
16 inches between New Year's Eve and yesterday morning. Want some? And today's high - negative 8. Winter. So over it!
Lovely photos, Alan! Well, Portland pretty much always has mild winters...which is pleasant...but after a while, I find myself itching for snow!