I learned a little bit about the mulch pile the other day.
Sure you can shell out for high-quality hardwood mulch, a homogeneous mound of oak or other desirable, durable woods. But that seems so boring!
As my fork bit into the pile of free "junk" chips that I needed to move a bit last weekend...
...I couldn't count how many different types of woods I saw.
I certainly smelled pine every once in a while, as a hidden cache of green needles was momentarily revealed.
So many textures, colors, and chip sizes...
...will I be able to tolerate the boring, single-wood mulches that I'll probably purchase once winter wanes?

I know nothing about mulches - except that toadstools sometimes grow in them. I like the idea of sweetly scented shavings though.
At least it looks like 100% wood. I've heard about people finding shredded garbage, plastic pieces, etc.