Signs of Spring
>> Thursday, March 27, 2014 –
The garlic in yesterday's post wasn't the only indication of spring I found in my garden. These others were just hiding a little bit.
The irises are pretty dependable early voices in the springtime chorus, peeking out at first, waiting for the warmth...
I just hope the deer don't get too hungry!
The deer won't touch the catmint though, another dependably early one:
They haven't noticed the Siberian irises yet, or do they not care?
The surprise lilies (Lycoris squamigera) are really multiplying:
The foliage emerges so early, fades quickly, and I forget they're there -- until they bloom of course!
Speaking of blooms, the crocus are coming in strong:
And there are plenty of daffodils just about to say hello:
The bleeding hearts (Dicentra) are late this year:
I always love seeing this rosy foliage emerging!
And now some pleasant surprises:
I planted this blue grass last year, saw the rabbits decimate it, then the hot, dry summer seemed to kill what was left. I really thought this was dead -- so much so that I don't know if I even have the plant tag anymore.
Also suspected to be dead were these two Clematis:
Both of these looked so sad by the end of last summer, I doubted they would come back. So happy to see them budding!
This one too:
Since this was my first winter for the Clematis, I didn't know what to expect. I guess I can stop worrying about these now.
Also going through a first winter for me are the peonies:
I didn't expect to have any problems, and glad to see that I didn't.
See, spring really is here -- you just might need to look a little harder depending on where you live!

You're ahead of me, St. Louis being south of Iowa, but it's good to know that spring is indeed arriving, when there are still so few signs of it here. Yay for the resiliency of life shown by your clematis! I'm glad the report of their demise was greatly exaggerated. :-)
I think the one on the left must have been the inspiration for Sydney Opera House.
Those peonies will open up pretty much guaranteed in another week, even in my climate too.
Garden Fancy: This is the time of year when a couple of hundred miles makes a seemingly big difference.
Lucy: Nice! :)
Steve: I sure hope so. This doesn't seem like a good year for guarantees though -- so crazy!