Although it was 80ºF (27ºC) this weekend it's currently below freezing -- the water barrel out the front window confirms that. Still, it seems spring is finally here in St. Louis.
My first spring with peonies, so let's start with those!
If you remember, I received six different peony divisions from my friend Michael last year, and I'm really excited to see what they do this growing season!
Every time I walk into the garden I expect to see that the deer have decided that yes, they actually do like young peony stalks, but so far they've left them alone.
Some are further along than others...
...but they're all emerging. I guess I shouldn't be surprised with such a tough plant, but I'm new to the world of peonies so don't fault me for doubting.
Lots else going on too, with 'Beatlemania' sedge all fresh and lovely now that its haircut has grown in:
The 'Ice Dance' sedge has flowered, which means that it will soon be filling in like 'Beatlemania' did:
The Petasites japonicus only flowered a couple of weeks ago -- they usually emerge much earlier in the year -- and now the leaves are pushing out:
The Fargesia 'Rufa' are shooting:
My makeshift iris guard seems to be working -- no more deer nibbles:
The bleeding hearts (Dicentra) never disappoint in the early spring:
And the new foliage of this spirea is one of my favorite sights of the early garden:
This barberry though, pretty as it is...
...I'm getting more concerned about all of the blooms each year. This is on the "watch list" of plants that might be invasive in our area. I've never seen a seedling from it, but I may not be looking hard enough. I'll stay vigilant though...
...if I can stay focused now that so much is starting to happen around me!

Looks like your peonies are slightly ahead of mine. Have you considered tree or intersectional peonies?
I just posted a blog on peonies yesterday.
I can't believe the temperature swings you're having. Is that normal? Plants must be confused by 80°F one day, below freezing the next. I would be :-)
Beautiful photographs. Barberry is one of my favorite flowering shrubs.
Yesterday's warm temperature here caused my crocus to bloom larger than I've seen them. I thought they might pop out of the ground they were so tall.