No, not the Final Frontier kind, although that's infinitely interesting too.
"Space!" is what the mourning dove chicks are thinking about now, because they just don't have any!
I was surprised when even one dove fit into this little hay twist of a nest, but three?
Well, it's just not possible.
I cannae change the laws of physics!
Mom gets a more comfy seat now though.
These chicks must fledge in the next couple of days, as their home just won't support them anymore!

It looks like they at least enjoy being snug together for now...
Love mourning doves. They do build such flimsy stick nests and we have seen them fall out of the trees. Glad yours made it.
Oh they are adorable!
I've never seen baby mourning doves. Thank you for the great photos
Not the Einsteins of the bird world, but they are sweet.