A few nice combos
>> Tuesday, September 16, 2014 –
castor bean,
Just a few nice plant combos today, where fine texture and big leaves meet.
Mexican feather grass and clary sage. Both small plants but we'll see what happens next year...
Then there's walking stick bamboo (Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda) and elephant ears (Colocasia esculenta):
I so want to grow this bamboo in the ground, but it's just not cold-hardy enough. So it will stay small in a pot. At least I moved it to the front garden this year, so it can be enjoyed by all.
Finally, castor beans and... anything really!
But looks especially good with some green and blue behind it, doesn't it?
I think this is the photo I'm going to use in the winter to remind me of what summer will bring...

Very nice combos! that shot of the castor beans with the sun shining through some of the leaves with the blue bamboo background is stunning!
It certainly does Alan, that Ricinus of yours looks great, combined with anything really!
Mark, Gaz, and Peter: The castor beans are really the stars of the late summer garden. I just wish they were this big at the beginning of the year too!